Now Available: CAEL Instructor Training, Level 2!
Instructors who have completed CAEL Instructor Training: Level 1 are now eligible to register for Level 2! Like Level 1, Level 2 is a self-paced online course and registration is free.
This training builds on the Level 1 content with thorough discussion of skills and strategies vital not only for CAEL success but for academic life more generally. It covers a broad range of topics relevant to CAEL prep and EAP instructors, including time management strategies, making the most of key words and discourse markers, delivering spoken responses effectively, using source material for integrated tasks, building a strong vocabulary and using academic English, writing concisely, structuring written responses, recognizing and producing paraphrase, and many more. There is also a full module dedicated to classroom management, activities, and suggested resources.
The course offers a variety of opportunities for active engagement in the material: exercises and reflection questions are present throughout each module, the Reading and Listening modules include practice questions with detailed answer keys, and the productive skills modules include sample test taker responses with analysis based on the Speaking and Writing checklists. Most modules conclude with a multiple-choice quiz to encourage retention of key concepts.
Level 2 training takes about 10-12 hours, and instructors who work through the full course receive a certificate of completion. Monthly start dates are available; visit our instructor page to register. Please note that completion of Level 1 is a prerequisite for registration in Level 2.